Monday, January 30, 2012

Getting ready for our house.

Since we got here (almost 3 weeks not) we have been staying in a condo style hotel. Two bedrooms, dinning area, tv/ sitting area, kitchen and 2 restrooms. It's been a little easier that I thought it might be, but still the kids don't have any of their toys and they can't just go out and play outside. The kids are needing a routine to be started up again. And because I have to commute to take Jack to school, Charlie and Anna don't' get a nap.

We are hoping to get the keys to our place today so we can begin cleaning it since the movers come with our stuff on Friday. Our van will be ready on Friday or within the beginning of the following week. I know having our second car will help with things too.

We have been trying to keep busy on the weekends since Clint has been working during the week and will begin shift work once we get the house settle. We have been to the beach, several (if not all) of the local 'malls', local pool (playground inside a shallow pool), aquarium and many car rides down to the navy base.

I have meet some wonderful moms that have kids about the same age as ours. They have been very welcoming and helpful. I still miss my core moms from Washington though.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

We have arrived in Guam

Hello everyone. We made it Guam after a short stay(two days) in Okinawa, Japan. The 4 plane rides were good flights, but the 11 hour one was too long for the kids. We got off the plane at 0530in Guam to it raining and warm. It was quite a change from the cold 40 we left in Seattle 3 days before.

So far, every day, it rains in the morning and then turns sunny. It does get a bit warm in the afternoon for us to go walking/playing outside yet. We were able to play at the outside pool at Andersen AFB (where we will be living). Our hotel/condo is at the end of the tourist strip, a couple blocks from the beach. We have an amazing view of the bay from our balcony. We haven't been to the beach yet to play (but we did drive right up to the beach on Andersen) since we are still trying to get used to the humidity.

We did find the school, child care center and preschool. We hope to enroll the kids in school on Tuesday (since Monday is a Holiday) and get some sort of routine going.

Clint's work is about 10 minutes up the road from our condo and it's another 10 minutes to the base from there. Everything is close by. We found the traffic report here to be amusing: looks like its a 3 or 4 light kind of day. Needless to say, traffic is nothing like at Fort Lewis.

I hope to have some photos up soon. I look forward to sharing my experience with you as we spend our days here in Guam.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Whats new?!?

Life has been a wonderful roller coaster with my 3 kids leading the way. Since Clint has been away for the past 10 months, life gets a little crazy around here. Charlie is nearing 3 in two weeks and Anna will be 1 in two months. Where has the time gone? Jack is finishing up this year's preschool and he is signed up for summer school. We are hoping there will be room for Charlie in summer school also. Anna is starting to pull herself up on things. She has decided that crawling is not her thing and may go strait to walking. Only time will tell.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer fun

Fort Lewis just opened a new spray park on post. It has become one of the boys new favorite places to go. There is a playground that is connected to the park so Jack can play in the water and Charlie can go climbing on the playground. It is a win win for both boys. It makes for some work for me, but they come home tired and nap well, so no complaints from me.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sorry so long

Well so much has happened since the last time I posted anything. Well, everything has changed.

We are expecting #3 in just a couple weeks. Her name is Anna Margaret Peterson. She was expected but unexpected all at the same time. We are very excited to meet her soon.

Jack finished his first year of preschool, which he loved very much. We met some wonderful friends and he had a great time learning. One of his favorite things to do was participate in cooking projects.

Charlie turns 2 this weekend. Where has the time gone. In the last 2 weeks he has picked up several new words that are very recognizable, not just Chewbaka talk. He LOVES to climb and is pretty good at it. So going to the park can be quite the exercise for me. I should have known he would be a goer when he learned to walk. One day he decided he wanted to go. So he got up and took 5 steps. He was very proud. The next steps were 6 feet of steps. He was on the move. The next day he was running at the park. Not walking, but running.

Clint came home in late August of 2009. The boys were so glad to see him and have not let him out of their sight since. Right now, Clint is in Louisiana training for his deployment (again) in August. Just when we were getting used to being a family again, he got the orders that his battalion was deploying. It was also right after we found out that we were pregnant too. Needless to say December was a very stressful month.

The kids and I plan on staying at Fort Lewis for the next year while Clint is gone. The less disruption in their schedule, I figure the better. Jack is enrolled in a preschool right outside post. He will be attending school with one of his good friends, McKenna who is 6 months younger. Clint is deploying with her dad and her mom and I are good friends also. We have some wonderful families that we are friends with that are great help with the kids.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Alki Beach

We spent the morning at Alki Beach this past Memorial Day. It was Charlie's first visit to the beach and boy did he love it. Jack didn't want to get his feet wet or get sand on them, but loved the idea of the beach. We had a a great time with Grams, Grandpa, Grandma, Babbo and Auntie Sarah.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Goings on lately

Charlie is getting so big so fast. Soon enough he and Jack will be driving before we know it.

Charlie is an easy going little boy who just wants to go and do everything that Jack does. He loves to watch Jack. I know he is going to be a quick learner.

Charlie loves to laugh also. He finds things so funny. He is also a ham. When grandma gets the camera out, he feels the need to have his picture taken too. He can't be left out of the lime light.

Jack has started swim lessons two weeks ago. We joined the local YMCA and love being part our our community. Jack loves the idea of swimming and he enjoys spending time with the other two girls in his class, but does not like to have his face in the water. He enjoys swimming with the noodle that you see in the picture. It has become his safety net. We are working to overcome that.

Jack is talking in sentences and he is so bright. We are looking into sending him to school early/gifted school. He has quite the imagination and loves to use it. He also loves his brother and loves to play with him and becomes very concerned when Charlie is crying. He is loving the warmer weather also. He loves going outside with the grandparents and going to the park.