Monday, December 3, 2007

I love pumpkin pie!

These couple of pics are from Thanksgiving at Bob and Jane's. Did I mention that Jack LOVES pumpkin pie? Well he does. And he let everyone know that he wanted more. Plus he had a great time with great grandpa Bob and his cane. It was pretty interesting to Jack. He had a great time.


Jack was a 'Jack-O-Lantern' for halloween. We didn't go trick-or-treating but we did go and visit the grandparents. He had fun getting all the attention. He is such a ham.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tiny little bubbles

Since Clint is away for another week, I decided to give Jacka bubble bath. So here are a couple pics of his bubble bath debu. He was'nt sure what to do with all the moving bubble, but he did realize that if he splashed, they moved. Any wasy, I hope that you enjoy the pics as much as I did.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Up the stairs

Jack loves exploring. The other night he crawled over to the stairs and began climbing them. He has never been interested in the stairs before so this was a big surprise. As you can tell by the pics, he made it up the first flight by himself with no help from us. I guess it is time to either put the gate up or teach him how to go down by himself.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The great pumpkin adventure

Well, we took Jack and our friends daughter Penny and the grandmas to the pumpkin patch. The weather was perfect and was fun. A lot of pictures were taken of course. Both kids loved standing with and around the giant pumpkins. They both decided on a pumpkin with the help of the parents. (We picked something small to touch here at home.) They had so much fun that they both fell asleep in the car on the way to lunch after. Jack and I are heading to another patch with some friends closer to Halloween since Clint will be in Arizona for some training for 2 weeks (which by the way is during Halloween. GRRRRRRR!) But I will post more pics of that when we are done there.

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Puyallup Fair

We went to the fair last week after Clint got work. We had so much fun. They wouldn't let Jack ride the Carousel because he wasn't two yet. So we visited the petting zoo and we saw the XL horses. Clint and I ate our way through starting with a Krusty Pup and ending with a Cow Chip cookie. The weather was perfect, not too hot and not too cold. Next year will be even funner because Jack will be able to ride some rides.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

He is into everything

Well, here are some of the newest pictures of jack. i just took them too. he is crawling like crazy. he is almost to the point of doing the fast cralw ( he is still doing that slow crawl but is ready to go any day now). also, his second tooth is almost in too. so he has been a bit cranky lately. jack likes to crawl in and through things and on top of things too. he also likes to play with daddys 360 because it has this bright pretty green light. he is such a joy and is learning so much every day.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

7 and a half months

Well, all i can say is where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday i was still carrying a tiny baby in my arms. Now he doesn't like to be coddled any more and wants to just sit on my lap instead. He has started the crawling thing even though he still prefers his walkers (instant gratification thing). He has also started the rambling thing. He likes to say mama and baba. Clint is trying to get him to say dada but he just laughs instead. Within the next couple of weeks i am sure he will be getting around the floor like crazy and i am going to be in trouble.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

This past week........

This past week Jack has started to stand for more than just a second on his own. I think he is up to 7 or 8 seconds at a time. And boy does he love it. Jack and Clint love trying new extreem stunts together that can somethimes freak mommy out.
This past week we also went to a cousins birthday party. Jack enjoyed the cake and attention from his 4 and 7 year old girl cousins, Emily and Katie.
Also, our friends Ken, Rachel and Alex met up with Jack and mommy for lunch and gave us some new toys that Alex was done playing with, one of which was a Jumparoo. This is the best invention that anyone has ever made for kids other than diapers. Jack will sit and jump in that thing for thirty minutes strait and not miss a beat. I think this is how his legs are getting so strong. I am sure there are more pics to come of him in.

Monday, July 23, 2007

He is getting to be a big boy

Jack is getting to be a big boy, and boy do I mean big. He had is 6 month check up two weeks ago and he was already weighing 18.8 lbs, 27.5" long and a head that was 18" round. He is in the 80+ percentile for his age. As you can tell he as caught up quite well considering he was 5 weeks early. He loves being mobile in his walker and getting himself into trouble by pulling stuff off of tables and shelves. My mother calls him my 'Dennis the Mennis' and he is growing into that name very quickly. He is an extreme baby. He loves to be thrown in the air and tossed about. He has very little fear and is very trusting.

At last, new pics

Since we have moved to Ft Lewis, life has been quite busy. With the hot weather, we have been trying everything to keep cool. Clint is catching up on the ins and outs of fatherhood qutie quickly. Jack loves his dad so much and the two of the are two peas in a pod. Who would have thought since the look identical. =)

Friday, June 22, 2007

It's Moving Day! Again!

Well, we got out keys to our new house two days ago.

If you didn't know, we got base housing here at Ft. Lewis. It is a brand new tri-plex and we are in the middle. It is 1700 sqft, three bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, detatched garage and a back yard. We couldn't have afforded anything like that off post.

So, we have packed up a moving truck again for the umteenth time in the last 2 years and are heading to the post. As soon as our computers are up and running, I will post some pictures and email everyone our new address and phone number. I am hoping that some of you will take a trip to come and see us.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It's too dang hot!

Well, we only have a couple days until Clint comes home, but the weather is getting hot. Real Hot! Clint and Jack are both not fans of the heat. Thank goodness that the in-laws have air-conditioning. Along with the heat, I think Jack is begining the whole teething process. All he wants to do it chew on things, one of which was his activity center today. He doesn't want to be held and he is not sure what he wants to do. So needles to say we are both a little frustrated.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mmmmm sweet messy

Jack had his first solid foods today, other than rice cereal. Sweet potatoes are.......... messy. He wasn't so sure that it tasted good, but he went along with it. More of it ended up on his face than in his mouth I think, but that is fine. And by the way, sweet potatoes are staining like carrots if any one needed to know that. I didn't, so needless to say Jacks fingers were orange yesterday because he loves to help feed himself.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Hold on Mom!

I was getting ready this morning and decided to let Jack watch some Little Einsteins. He was so cute with his little bear, that I had to take some pictures. I was trying to get his attention and he would not stop watching the tv. He gave me this look like, 'gosh mom, can't you see that i am watching tv here?' I guess that I have a little monster on my hands already. Hehe!

Monday, May 7, 2007

This one is for daddy

I wanted to take a picture of Jack to send to his daddy today, so I told Jack to smile real big for his daddy and this is what I got. I know Jack is naturally a smiley baby, but I think he was more so this time than usual. Jack talkes to his daddy when he gets a chance, which has not been that often lately, but we will take what we can get. Jack always lights up when he hears his daddys voice and tries to listen real hard to what he is saying. (If you know Jack, you know what I am talking about.) I know that in no time, Jack will have plenty to say to his daddy.

Four months today!

Today, Jack turned four months old. It was such a beautiful day that we (Jack and momma) went for a walk. The sun was out and it was 75 degrees. Who could ask for a better day to enjoy? Jack was enjoying the sun so much, he had decided to kick up his feet and rest them on the strollers food tray. I found this so cute, so we had to take a picture. What a little man he is becoming.

Bath time with Dax

Jack loves bath time and so does Dax, our cat. Jack splashes and kicks and throws water everywhere and Dax is there to see what is going on. She gets so interested in what is going on that she feels the need to get into the tub and be a part of the fun. No complaints from Jack.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hello there!

This is Jack this afternoon with his grandma Jane since mommy was at work. He has been gaining personality by the day. He knows what he likes and doesnt like and he lets it be known. He generally likes to play with his toys as seen here on his chair, but when he has had enough, he has had enough. And that is quite alright and understandable. He is also like his father in that he finds the tv facinating and it captures his attention. They will have tons of fun together when Clint gets home.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Activity Center

Jack was enjoying his first experience in his activity center today. He found that standing is the thing that he loves the most right now. He doesn't like laying on his stomach much. He would rather stand on mommy's lap. He has been this way since he was born. I believe that I am going to have my hands full in a few months.

Getting bigger

Jack looks so much like his dad. It is amazing to watch him transform day to day even, from an infant to a baby. He is very similar to his dad even though he hasn't really spent any learning time with him. Jack loves to take naps, especially with mommy. He is very thought orientated. He takes his time and you can tell that his little brain is ticking away at whatever he is trying to do. Jack has finally slept 8 hours in a row during the night for two nights now. Boy am I excited about that! We can't wait till Clint is home to spend some time with. Only 37 to go!


We got Jack a bumbo the other day to help with his sitting skills. He loves sitting in it. He likes the fact that he gets to sit in it at the table, which puts him at eye level with the other people in the house instead of the cats. (We are living at Bob and Jane's and they have the cats.) He tends to lean to his right side a bit more than his left. Again, we are working on the whole sitting up by our selves concept. Here he is looking at Grandpa Bob.