Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Alki Beach

We spent the morning at Alki Beach this past Memorial Day. It was Charlie's first visit to the beach and boy did he love it. Jack didn't want to get his feet wet or get sand on them, but loved the idea of the beach. We had a a great time with Grams, Grandpa, Grandma, Babbo and Auntie Sarah.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Goings on lately

Charlie is getting so big so fast. Soon enough he and Jack will be driving before we know it.

Charlie is an easy going little boy who just wants to go and do everything that Jack does. He loves to watch Jack. I know he is going to be a quick learner.

Charlie loves to laugh also. He finds things so funny. He is also a ham. When grandma gets the camera out, he feels the need to have his picture taken too. He can't be left out of the lime light.

Jack has started swim lessons two weeks ago. We joined the local YMCA and love being part our our community. Jack loves the idea of swimming and he enjoys spending time with the other two girls in his class, but does not like to have his face in the water. He enjoys swimming with the noodle that you see in the picture. It has become his safety net. We are working to overcome that.

Jack is talking in sentences and he is so bright. We are looking into sending him to school early/gifted school. He has quite the imagination and loves to use it. He also loves his brother and loves to play with him and becomes very concerned when Charlie is crying. He is loving the warmer weather also. He loves going outside with the grandparents and going to the park.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

They change so much

Well, life has been so busy since Clint left. The time has gone so fast some days, yet so slowly other days Clint is almost half way done. We can't wait the end of summer.

Jack just had his second birthday. The picture of him was just after his second birthday at a breakfast for daddy. (Daddy was here for his second birthday. What a great surprise that was.)

Charlie has two teeth now and is trying to walk. He would rather walk and not crawl. Crawling is too much work and too slow. Charlie is trying to talk. Lots of things are called 'dada'.

I have been busy chasing the boys and trying to work out at the local YMCA in my spare time. The boys loving going to the gym where they get a chance to play with other kids and Jack and I have started swim lessons.

I am sure that once it stops snowing and being grey and the sun comes out, the time will pass so fast and Clint will be home even soon.