Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It's too dang hot!

Well, we only have a couple days until Clint comes home, but the weather is getting hot. Real Hot! Clint and Jack are both not fans of the heat. Thank goodness that the in-laws have air-conditioning. Along with the heat, I think Jack is begining the whole teething process. All he wants to do it chew on things, one of which was his activity center today. He doesn't want to be held and he is not sure what he wants to do. So needles to say we are both a little frustrated.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mmmmm sweet messy

Jack had his first solid foods today, other than rice cereal. Sweet potatoes are.......... messy. He wasn't so sure that it tasted good, but he went along with it. More of it ended up on his face than in his mouth I think, but that is fine. And by the way, sweet potatoes are staining like carrots if any one needed to know that. I didn't, so needless to say Jacks fingers were orange yesterday because he loves to help feed himself.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Hold on Mom!

I was getting ready this morning and decided to let Jack watch some Little Einsteins. He was so cute with his little bear, that I had to take some pictures. I was trying to get his attention and he would not stop watching the tv. He gave me this look like, 'gosh mom, can't you see that i am watching tv here?' I guess that I have a little monster on my hands already. Hehe!

Monday, May 7, 2007

This one is for daddy

I wanted to take a picture of Jack to send to his daddy today, so I told Jack to smile real big for his daddy and this is what I got. I know Jack is naturally a smiley baby, but I think he was more so this time than usual. Jack talkes to his daddy when he gets a chance, which has not been that often lately, but we will take what we can get. Jack always lights up when he hears his daddys voice and tries to listen real hard to what he is saying. (If you know Jack, you know what I am talking about.) I know that in no time, Jack will have plenty to say to his daddy.

Four months today!

Today, Jack turned four months old. It was such a beautiful day that we (Jack and momma) went for a walk. The sun was out and it was 75 degrees. Who could ask for a better day to enjoy? Jack was enjoying the sun so much, he had decided to kick up his feet and rest them on the strollers food tray. I found this so cute, so we had to take a picture. What a little man he is becoming.

Bath time with Dax

Jack loves bath time and so does Dax, our cat. Jack splashes and kicks and throws water everywhere and Dax is there to see what is going on. She gets so interested in what is going on that she feels the need to get into the tub and be a part of the fun. No complaints from Jack.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hello there!

This is Jack this afternoon with his grandma Jane since mommy was at work. He has been gaining personality by the day. He knows what he likes and doesnt like and he lets it be known. He generally likes to play with his toys as seen here on his chair, but when he has had enough, he has had enough. And that is quite alright and understandable. He is also like his father in that he finds the tv facinating and it captures his attention. They will have tons of fun together when Clint gets home.