Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sorry so long

Well so much has happened since the last time I posted anything. Well, everything has changed.

We are expecting #3 in just a couple weeks. Her name is Anna Margaret Peterson. She was expected but unexpected all at the same time. We are very excited to meet her soon.

Jack finished his first year of preschool, which he loved very much. We met some wonderful friends and he had a great time learning. One of his favorite things to do was participate in cooking projects.

Charlie turns 2 this weekend. Where has the time gone. In the last 2 weeks he has picked up several new words that are very recognizable, not just Chewbaka talk. He LOVES to climb and is pretty good at it. So going to the park can be quite the exercise for me. I should have known he would be a goer when he learned to walk. One day he decided he wanted to go. So he got up and took 5 steps. He was very proud. The next steps were 6 feet of steps. He was on the move. The next day he was running at the park. Not walking, but running.

Clint came home in late August of 2009. The boys were so glad to see him and have not let him out of their sight since. Right now, Clint is in Louisiana training for his deployment (again) in August. Just when we were getting used to being a family again, he got the orders that his battalion was deploying. It was also right after we found out that we were pregnant too. Needless to say December was a very stressful month.

The kids and I plan on staying at Fort Lewis for the next year while Clint is gone. The less disruption in their schedule, I figure the better. Jack is enrolled in a preschool right outside post. He will be attending school with one of his good friends, McKenna who is 6 months younger. Clint is deploying with her dad and her mom and I are good friends also. We have some wonderful families that we are friends with that are great help with the kids.

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