Monday, January 30, 2012

Getting ready for our house.

Since we got here (almost 3 weeks not) we have been staying in a condo style hotel. Two bedrooms, dinning area, tv/ sitting area, kitchen and 2 restrooms. It's been a little easier that I thought it might be, but still the kids don't have any of their toys and they can't just go out and play outside. The kids are needing a routine to be started up again. And because I have to commute to take Jack to school, Charlie and Anna don't' get a nap.

We are hoping to get the keys to our place today so we can begin cleaning it since the movers come with our stuff on Friday. Our van will be ready on Friday or within the beginning of the following week. I know having our second car will help with things too.

We have been trying to keep busy on the weekends since Clint has been working during the week and will begin shift work once we get the house settle. We have been to the beach, several (if not all) of the local 'malls', local pool (playground inside a shallow pool), aquarium and many car rides down to the navy base.

I have meet some wonderful moms that have kids about the same age as ours. They have been very welcoming and helpful. I still miss my core moms from Washington though.

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