Thursday, August 23, 2007

7 and a half months

Well, all i can say is where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday i was still carrying a tiny baby in my arms. Now he doesn't like to be coddled any more and wants to just sit on my lap instead. He has started the crawling thing even though he still prefers his walkers (instant gratification thing). He has also started the rambling thing. He likes to say mama and baba. Clint is trying to get him to say dada but he just laughs instead. Within the next couple of weeks i am sure he will be getting around the floor like crazy and i am going to be in trouble.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

This past week........

This past week Jack has started to stand for more than just a second on his own. I think he is up to 7 or 8 seconds at a time. And boy does he love it. Jack and Clint love trying new extreem stunts together that can somethimes freak mommy out.
This past week we also went to a cousins birthday party. Jack enjoyed the cake and attention from his 4 and 7 year old girl cousins, Emily and Katie.
Also, our friends Ken, Rachel and Alex met up with Jack and mommy for lunch and gave us some new toys that Alex was done playing with, one of which was a Jumparoo. This is the best invention that anyone has ever made for kids other than diapers. Jack will sit and jump in that thing for thirty minutes strait and not miss a beat. I think this is how his legs are getting so strong. I am sure there are more pics to come of him in.